Msts Open Rails Game Download

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Obo's MSTS Locomotive Catalog - Catalog of Microsoft Train Simulator (MSTS) locomotives of the world with screenshots and download links Open Rails - Free open source train simulator that can read Microsoft Train Simulator (MSTS) routes, activities, consists, and train sets. From the stable of Highbrow Interactive, the creators of the mega-successful “Euro Train Simulator'. Indian Train Simulator is made for and made by the fans of Indian trains. Our love for the amazing achievements and the legendary skills of our railways shows in how thoroughly this game covers every aspect of what makes Indian trains special. Trusted Windows (PC) download MSTS bin 1.8.052113. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Msts open rails download. Msts bin patch 1.8 download. Msts railway game.

Easy Install of MSTS on Win10
For those of us stuck with Win 10.
Run MSTS disc but direct installation to C: and let it create a folder, name it MSTSTrain. Let entire content install. Now copy this entire folder to my documents because Win10 can be finicky about allowing one, even the administrator to make changes to installed programs. Especially when trying to set content to read/write. When you have copied folder to my documents. Right click folder and under properties tab set it to allow desktop user to make changes to it. Change folder settings to read/write instead of read only. Click apply and ok. Double check afterwards to ensure all content was switched to read/write. Enter the folder and then subfolder name GUI. Delete the startup video mpeg file. It can cause the keyboard to hangup when running MSTS. Now go to control panel and remove original MSTS install under add/remove programs tab. Check Programs in typical C drive directory if that is your default category and delete any left over components. Check Programs 86 as well for this. Restart your computer. Run MSTS patch update and direct install to the folder of MSTS in your documents. Do same for Binpatch. Install Xtracks, New Roads and UKTracks in same manner. Copy your Global folder and save it in my documents incase you ever need it in future, should your global folder get corupted, Do same for Sound folder. Restart your pc and that should be it. Run this game as a stand alone application and can even manually create a short cut on the desktop by entering the folder and right clicking Train icon application that ends in .exe extension.
Note: MSTS Utilities may not run on Win10 if you have Intel HD display adaptor like mine, so I use TSRE5 for route mods/design, which I still am learning to master. Maybe there will be a patched developed in future to address the Intel display adaptor issue with the MSTS Tools.

Clicking on the Options button opens a multi-panel window. The Menu >Options panels contain the settings which remain in effect during yoursimulation. Most of the options are self-explanatory; you may set themaccording to your preference and system configuration. For example, youcan turn off dynamic shadowing if your system has low FPS(frames-per-second) capability. The options configuration that you selectis saved when you click OK. When you restart OR, it will use the lastoptions configuration that you selected.

There are 10 option panels, described below.

6.1. General Options¶

6.1.1. Alerter in Cab¶

As in real life, when this option is selected, the player driving the trainis required to perform specific actions to demonstrate that he is alive,i.e. press the Alerter Button (or press the Key <Z>). As the player maysometimes use a view other than the cabview to follow the train, andtherefore will not see the alerter warning, selecting the related optionAlso in external views enables the alerter in those views as well.

6.1.2. Dispatcher window¶

It is suggested to always select this option. When this option is selected,pressing <Ctrl+9> at runtime creates an additional window like thefollowing. This window coexists with the main Open Rails window, and<Alt+Tab> switches between it and the Open Rails window. See the relatedoption Fast fullscreen Alt+Tab.

Through this window you can monitor train movements and also influencethem, by setting signals and switches. A complete description of thedispatcher window can be found here.

6.1.3. Graduated release air brakes¶

Selecting this option allows a partial release of the brakes. Generallyspeaking, operating with the option checked is equivalent to passengerstandard and unchecked is equivalent to freight standard. A completedescription of this option can be found here.

6.1.4. Large address aware binaries¶

It is suggested to leave this option checked. When it is unchecked, OpenRails can use a maximum of 2 GB of RAM. When it is checked, the maximum is4 GB for 64-bit Windows systems, and 2 or 3 GB for 32-bit Windows systems.To increase the maximum RAM used by OR in 32-bit Windows systems from 2 to3 GB see the information found here.

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Take note that the RAM increase from 2 to 3 GB in 32-bit systems can slowdown computer operation when not using OR.

6.1.5. Control confirmations¶


Following MSTS practice, whenever you make adjustments to the traincontrols (e.g. open the throttle) OR briefly shows a message near thebottom of the screen.

This is helpful for operations that don’t have visible feedback and alsoallows you to control the train without being in the cab.

Uncheck this option if you prefer to monitor your cab instruments anddon’t want to see these messages.

OR uses the same message scheme for system messages such as “Game saved”or “Replay ended” but you cannot suppress these system messages.

Control confirmations can also be toggled on and off at runtime using thekey combination Ctrl-Alt-F10.

6.1.6. Retainer valve on all cars¶

The player can change the braking capability of all of the cars in thesimulation to include Brake Retainers. Thesecause the brake cylinder on a car to retain some fixed pressure when thetrain brakes are released; this causes the car to produce a constantbraking force. If this option is not checked, then brake retainers areonly found on cars that have an appropriate entry, as describedhere, in their .wag files.

6.1.7. Brake pipe charging rate¶

The Brake Pipe Charging Rate (psi/s) value controls the charging rate ofthe main air brake pipe. Increasing the value will reduce the timerequired to recharge the train (i.e. when releasing the brakes after abrake application), while decreasing the value will slow the chargingrate. See also the paragraphs on the OR implementation of the brakingsystem.

If this parameter is set at 1000, a simplified, MSTS-like braking model isimplemented, providing for faster brake release and being less influencedby incoherent braking parameters within .eng file.

6.1.8. Language¶

OR is an internationalized package. It supports many languages, and otherscan be added by following the instructions contained in the LocalizationManual which can be found in the Open Rails Source/Trunk/Documentationfolder.

When System is selected, OR automatically selects the language of thehosting OS, if the language is available.

6.1.9. Pressure unit¶

The player can select the unit of measure of brake pressure in theHUD display.

When set to automatic the unit of measure is the same as that used inthe cabview of the locomotive.

6.1.10. Other units¶

This selects the units displayed for length, mass, pressure, etc. in theF5 HUD of the simulation.

The option Player’s Location sets the units according to the WindowsLanguage and Region settings on the player’s computer.

The option Route sets the units based on the data in the route files.The other options are self-explanatory.

The F5 HUD uses the abbreviations stn for short tons (2000 lb) andt or tn for metric tons (tonnes).

Note that the units displayed by the F4 Track Monitor (e.g. velocity anddistance) are always based on data read from the route files.

6.1.11. Disable TCS scripts¶

This option disables the train control system scripts for locomotives wherethese have been implemented.

6.1.12. Enable web server¶

This option enables an internal web server that can be used to display game andtrain status information in a browser, intended for use on secondary screens.When activated, the server can be accessed (on the local machine only) athttp://localhost:<port>, where <port> is the specified port number.

For core developers

The web server serves content out of the ContentWeb subfolder of the ORprogram folder; it features a simple API to obtain data from the simulator.Responses are OR data structuresserializedin JSON format. API call paths are case-sensitive.

MethodAPI callDescriptionResponse type
Retrieves the information rendered on the <F5> HUD, row by row,
page by page, where <n> is the desired HUD page number.
Retrieves information rendered on the Track Monitor, such as speed,
A test object that demonstrates the JSON serialization of various

6.2. Audio Options¶

Except for very slow computers, it is suggested that you leave the MSTSBin compatible sound option checked and set the Sound detail level to 5.

The % sound volume scroll button allows adjustment of the volume of ORsound. Default is 40.

The % external sound heard internally scroll button allows to define the percentageof the original volume of external sounds heard in cab and passenger views. In factin real world external sounds are attenuated when heard within a trainset.This percentage may be overridden trainset by trainset as definedhere.

6.3. Video Options¶

6.3.1. Dynamic shadows¶

With this option it is possible to enable or disable the display ofdynamic shadows. Disabling can be helpful if low frame rates areexperienced.

6.3.2. Shadow for all shapes¶

When this option is selected and also the Dynamic shadows option is selected,OR displays a shadow also for the objects that don’t have a shadow defined inthe .ref file, and also for forest trees. This may reduce game performance.

6.3.3. Fast full-screen Alt+Tab¶

When this option is selected, and OR is running full-screen, pressingAlt+Tab leaves OR full-screen and running, and allows theDispatcher Window to be shown in front of it. If this option is not selected, OR isminimized. The Dispatcher Window option must also be selected and theDispatcher Window started with Ctrl+9 to display the Dispatcher Window.Each successive press of Alt+Tab will toggle between the Dispatcher windowand the OR window.

6.3.4. Glass on in-game windows¶

When this option is checked, the in-game windows are displayed in asemitransparent mode.

6.3.5. Model instancing¶

When the option is checked, in cases where multiple instances of the sameobject have to be drawn, only a single draw call is sent to the GPU. Thismeans lower CPU load. It is suggested to always check this option.

6.3.6. Overhead wire¶

This option will enable or disable display of the overhead wire.

6.3.7. Double overhead wires¶

MSTS uses a single wire for electrified routes; you may check this box sothat OR will show the two overhead wires that are more common.

6.3.8. Vertical sync¶

When this option is selected, the OR update rate cannot be higher than themonitor vertical sync frequency (typically 60 Hz). This reduces CPU energyconsumption in fast PCs.

6.3.9. % Cab 2D Stretch¶

OR manages not only cab interiors using 2D images in a MSTS-compatibleway, but also supports 3D models. Most 2D cab images follow MSTS practice,being 1024 x 768 pixels to suit monitors with a 4:3 aspect ratio.

So, the problem arises – how to display these 4:3 cabs on a 16:9 or 16:10monitor?

One possibility is to stretch these images horizontally to match otheraspect ratios, as shown in the image below.

To respect the proportions however, by default OR does no stretching andshows the full width of the cab interior, thus losing a portion from thetop and bottom of the image. You can use the Up and Down Arrow keys to panand reveal these missing portions.

Therefore the setting for % Cab 2D Stretch has a default value of 0providing no stretching and a maximum value of 100 which stretches thepicture so as to cover the complete display. Intermediate values provide ablend of panning and stretching.

OR can also pillarbox or letterbox the cab by filling the missing space withblack bars. You can activate this mode in-game by pressing Ctrl+1. It overridesany stretching.

6.3.10. Viewing distance¶

This option defines the maximum distance at which terrain is displayed. Athigher distances Distant Mountains will be displayed (see below). Thisparameter increases CPU and GPU load. Also, some routes are optimized forthe standard MSTS maximum viewing distance (2000m).

6.3.11. Distant Mountains¶

Distant mountains are supported in a way that is compatible with MSTS.Distant mountains are present in the route if it has a folder calledLO_TILE. You may turn the feature on by checking the Distant Mountainscheckbox. In addition to MSTS capability, you can select the viewingdistance of the distant mountains.

6.3.12. Viewing vertical FOV¶

This value defines the vertical angle of the world that is shown. Highervalues correspond roughly to a zoom out effect. The default is 45 degrees.

6.3.13. World object density¶

This value can be set from 0 to 10; when 10 is selected, all objectsdefined in the route files are displayed. Lower values do not display somecategories of objects.

6.3.14. Window size¶

This pair of values defines the size of the OR window. There are somepreconfigured pairs of values, however you may also manually enter adifferent size to be used.

6.3.15. Ambient daylight brightness¶

With this slider you can set the daylight brightness.

6.4. Simulation Options¶

The majority of these options define train physics behavior.

6.4.1. Advanced adhesion model¶

OR supports two adhesion models: the basic one is similar to the one usedby MSTS, while the advanced one is based on a model more similar to reality.

For more information read the section on Adhesion Models later in thismanual.

6.4.2. Adhesion moving average filter size¶

The computations related to adhesion are passed through a moving averagefilter. Higher values cause smoother operation, but also lessresponsiveness. 10 is the default filter size.

6.4.3. Break couplers¶

When this option is selected, if the force on a coupler is higher than thethreshold set in the .eng file, the coupler breaks and the train isdivided into two parts. OR will display a message to report this.

6.4.4. Curve dependent resistance¶

When this option is selected, resistance to train motion is influenced bythe radius of the curve on which the train is running. This option isdescribed in detail here (theory) andalso here (OR application).

6.4.5. Curve dependent speed limit¶

When this option is selected, OR computes whether the train is running toofast on curves, and if so, a warning message is logged and displayed onthe monitor. Excessive speed may lead to overturn of cars, this is alsodisplayed as a message. This option is described in detailhere (theory) and alsohere (OR application).OR does not display the damage.

6.4.6. Tunnel dependent resistance¶

When this option is selected, OR takes into account the fact that trainsin tunnels are subject to higher air resistance, and therefore need ahigher effort at invariant speed. This option is described in detailhere (theory) andhere (OR application).

6.4.7. Wind dependent resistance¶

When this option is selected, resistance to train motion is influenced bythe wind speed, and the direction that it is blowing. This option isdescribed in detail here

6.4.8. Override non-electrified route line-voltage¶

This option allows running (in a non-prototypical way) electriclocomotives on non-electrified routes.

6.4.9. Steam locomotive hot start¶

This option allows starting the game with the boiler water temperaturealready at a value that allows running the locomotive. If the option isnot selected, you will have to wait until the water temperature reaches ahigh enough value.

6.4.10. Forced red at station stops¶

In case a signal is present beyond a station platform and in the sametrack section (no switches in between), OR will set the signal to reduntil the train has stopped and then hold it as red from that time up totwo minutes before starting time. This is useful in organizing train meetsand takeovers, however it does not always correspond to reality nor toMSTS operation. So with this option the player can decide which behaviorthe start signal will have. This option is checked by default. Uncheckingthe option has an effect on simulation behavior only if noTimetable mode operation is under way.

6.4.11. Open/close doors on AI trains¶

This option enables door open/close at station stops on AI trains having passengertrainsets with door animation. Doors are opened 4 seconds after train stop and closed10 seconds before train start. Due to the fact that not all routes have been built withcorrect indication of the platform side with respect to the track, this option can beindividually disabled or enabled on a per-route basis, as explainedhere.With option enabled, doors open andclose automatically also when a player train is in autopilot mode.The option is active only in activity mode.

6.4.12. Location-linked passing path processing¶

When this option is NOT selected, ORTS acts similarly to MSTS. That is, iftwo trains meet whose paths share some track section in a station, but areboth provided with passing paths as defined with the MSTS Activity Editor,one of them will run through the passing path, therefore allowing themeet. Passing paths in this case are only available to the trains whosepath has passing paths.

When this option is selected, ORTS makes available to all trains the mainand the passing path of the player train. Moreover, it takes into accountthe train length in selecting which path to assign to a train in case of ameet.

For content developers

A more detailed description of this feature can befound under Location-Linked Passing Path Processingin the chapter Open Rails Train Operation.

6.5. Keyboard Options¶

In this panel you will find listed the keyboard keys that are associatedwith all OR commands.

You can modify them by clicking on a field and pressing the new desiredkey. Three symbols will appear at the right of the field: with the firstone you validate the change, with the second one you cancel it, with thethird one you return to the default value.

By clicking on Check OR verifies that the changes made are compatible,that is, that there is no key that is used for more than one command.

By clicking on Defaults all changes that were made are reset, and thedefault values are reloaded.

By clicking on Export a printable text file OpenRailsKeyboard.txt is generated on the desktop, showing all links betweencommands and keys.

6.6. Data Logger Options¶

By selecting the option Start logging with the simulation start or bypressing <F12> a file with the name dump.csv is generated in theconfigured Open Rails logging folder (placed on the Desktop by default).This file can be used for later analysis.

6.7. Evaluation Options¶

Msts Game Download

When data logging is started (see preceding paragraph), data selected inthis panel are logged, allowing a later evaluation on how the activity wasexecuted by the player.

6.8. Content Options¶

This window allows you to add, remove or modify access to additional MSTSinstallations or miniroute installations for Open Rails. Installationslocated on other drives, or on a USB key, can be added even if they arenot always available.

Click on the Add button, and locate the desired installation. OR willautomatically enter a proposed name in the Name: window that willappear in the Installation set: window on the main menu form. Modifythe name if desired, then Click OK to add the new path and name toOpen Rails.

To remove an entry (note that this does not remove the installationitself!) select the entry in the window, and click Delete, then OKto close the window. To modify an entry, use the Browse… button toaccess the location; make the necessary changes, and then Save thechanges.

6.9. Updater Options¶

These options control which OR version update channel is active (see alsohere). The various options available are self-explanatory.

6.10. Experimental Options¶

Some experimental features being introduced in Open Rails may be turned onand off through the Experimental tab of the Options window, asdescribed below.

6.10.1. Super-elevation¶

If the value set for Level is greater than zero, OR supports superelevation for long curved tracks. The value Minimum Length determinesthe length of the shortest curve to have super-elevation. You need tochoose the correct gauge for your route, otherwise some tracks may not beproperly shown.

When superelevation is selected, two viewing effects occur at runtime:

  1. If an external camera view is selected, the tracks and the runningtrain will be shown inclined towards the internal part of the curve.
  2. When the cab view is selected, the external world will beshown as inclined towards the external part of the curve.

OR implements super elevated tracks using Dynamic Tracks. You can changethe appearance of tracks by creating a <routefolder>/TrackProfiles/TrProfile.stf file. The document HowtoProvideTrackProfilesforOpenRailsDynamicTrack.docm describing the creation of track profilescan be found in the OpenRails /Source/Documentation/ folder. Forumdiscussions about track profiles can also be found on Elvas Tower.

6.10.2. Automatically tune settings to keep performance level¶

When this option is selected OR attempts to maintain the selected Targetframe rate FPS ( Frames per second). To do this it decreases or increasesthe viewing distance of the standard terrain. If the option is selected,also select the desired FPS in the Target frame rate window.

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6.10.3. Show shape warnings¶

When this option is selected, when OR is loading the shape (.s) files itwill report errors in syntax and structure (even if these don’t causeruntime errors) in the Log fileOpenRailsLog.txt on the desktop.

6.10.4. ETCS circular speed gauge¶

When this option is selected, it is possible to add to the cabview acircular speed gauge accordingly to the European standard train controlsystem ETCS.

For content developers

The gauge is added by the insertion of a block like the followinginto the .cvf file:

6.10.5. Load day/night textures only when needed¶

As a default OR loads night textures together with the day textures both atdaytime and nighttime. When this option is selected, to reduce loading time and reducememory used, night textures are not loaded in the daytime and are onlyloaded at sunset (if the game continues through sunset time); analogously daytextures are not loaded in the nighttime if the related night textures areavailable, and are only loaded at sunrise (if the game continues through sunrisetime).

6.10.6. Signal light glow¶

Msts Train Simulator Game Download

When this option is set, a glowing effect is added to signal semaphoreswhen seen at distance, so that they are visible at a greater distance.There are routes where this effect has already been natively introduced;for these, this option is not recommended.

6.10.7. Correct questionable braking parameters¶

When this option is selected, Open Rails corrects some braking parametersif they are out of a reasonable range or if they are incoherent. This isdue to the fact that many existing .eng files have such issues, that arenot a problem for MSTS, which has a much simpler braking model, but thatare a problem for OR, which has a more sophisticated braking model. Theproblem usually is that the train brakes require a long time to release,and in some times do not release at all.

The following checks and corrections are performed if the option ischecked (only for single-pipe brake system):

  • if the compressor restart pressure is smaller or very near to the maxsystem pressure, the compressor restart pressure and if necessary the maxmain reservoir pressure are increased;
  • if the main reservoir volume is smaller than 0.3 m3 and theengine mass is higher than 20 tons, the reservoir volume is raised to 0.78m3;
  • the charging rate of the reservoir is derived from the .eng parameterAirBrakesAirCompressorPowerRating (if this generates a value greaterthan 0.5 psi/s) instead of using a default value.

6.10.8. Activity randomization¶

The related Level box may be set to integer values from zero to three.When a level of zero is selected, no randomization is inserted.When a level greater than zero is selected, some activity parameters are randomlychanged, therefore causing different behaviors of the activity at every run.Level 1 generates a moderate randomization, level 2 a significant randomizationand level 3 a high randomization, that may be unrealistic in some cases.This feature is described in greater detail here.

6.10.9. Activity weather randomization¶

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The Level box works as the one for activity randomization, and has thesame range. When a level greater than zero is selected, the initial weather israndomized, and moreover it changes during activity execution.The randomization is not performed if at activity start the train is within alat/lon rectangle corresponding to the arid zone of North America (lat from105 to 120 degrees west and lon from 30 to 45 degrees north).The randomization is not performed either if the activity contains weatherchange events.

6.10.10. Extend object maximum viewing distance to horizon¶

With this option selected, all objects viewable up to the viewing distancedefined in the Video Options are displayed. As a default ORTS onlydisplays objects up to 2000 m distance. Selecting this option improvesdisplay quality but may reduce frame rate.

6.10.11. Load DDS textures in preference to ACE¶

Open Rails is capable of loading both ACE and DDS textures. If only one ofthe two is present, it is loaded. If both are present, the ACE texture isloaded unless this option has been selected.

6.10.12. MSTS Environments¶

By default ORTS uses its own environment files and algorithms, e.g. fornight sky and for clouds.

With this option selected, ORTS applies the MSTS environment files. Thisincludes support of Kosmos environments, even if the final effect may bedifferent from the current MSTS one.

6.10.13. Adhesion factor correction¶

The adhesion is multiplied by this percentage factor. Therefore lowervalues of the slider reduce adhesion and cause more frequent wheel slipsand therefore a more difficult, but more challenging driving experience.

6.10.14. Level of detail bias¶

This option is an expansion (and replacement) of an earlier experimentaloption: Always use highest level of detail. The new option allows you toincrease or reduce the level of detail generally shown independently ofthe viewing distance and world object density.

6.10.15. Adhesion proportional to rain/snow/fog¶

When this option is selected, adhesion becomes dependent on the intensityof rain and snow and the density of fog. Intensities and density can bemodified at runtime by the player.

6.10.16. Adhesion factor random change¶

This factor randomizes the adhesion factor corrector by the enteredpercentage. The higher the value, the higher the adhesion variations.

6.10.17. Precipitation Box Size¶

Open Rails will simulate precipitation – i.e. rain or snow, as fallingindividual particles. This represents a significant computing and displaysystem load, especially for systems with limited resources. Therefore, theregion in which the precipitation particles are visible, thePrecipitation Box, is limited in size and moves with the camera. Thesize of the box can be set by the entries in the height, width and lengthboxes. The X and Z values are centered on the camera location, and fallingparticles spawn and fall from the top of the box.

The max size for both length and width is 3000 meters or 9,842ft. Due to possiberesource issues, the ability to use max length and width may not be possible. Thebest way to use the precipitation box is to define a square around your entire trainif small enough or around most of your train. Keep track on how your resources arebeing used since snow will take up the most resources so you will have to adjust thesize until you are satisified with the results.

The reason for defining a square around your train is to minimize the moments when your trainis approaching the edge of the precipitation box. Worst case is to save the activity,exit and re-enter the activity since doing this will set your train back in the middle of theprecipitation box.