Startup Config Is Not Present

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Router# show startup-config; startup-config is not present; Why does the router respond with the startup-config is not present message? It displays this message because the configuration file was not saved to NVRAM. Currently it is only located in RAM. Why does the switch respond with startup-config is not present? Part 2: Create a Basic Switch Configuration Step 1: Assign a name to a switch. To configure parameters on a switch, you may be required to move between various configuration modes. Notice how the prompt changes as you navigate through the switch.

  1. Why Is Startup Config Not Present
  2. Run Command For Startup Config
  3. Config Sys Startup Windows 10
  4. Cisco 3750 Startup-config Is Not Present

We can think about a Cisco Router as a unique reason PC. It has its very own working framework, which is known as the Internetwork Operating System (IOS), just as records and filesystems. So we’ll begin with talk of the fundamental framework organization works that a Router designer must perform. This incorporates dealing with your Router Configuration Files systems, redesigning the working framework, doing reinforcements, and reestablishing the framework setup.

Cisco Router configuration files hold the commands to configure the router. There are two main copies of Cisco Router configuration file

  • Running-config
  • Startup-config

Running config

The design record where Router stores the setup changes, when the Router is fully operational, is known as the “running-config” document. The running setup record stores the arrangement changes made while the Router is fully operational. The “running-config” document is put away in RAM. The “running-config” document isn’t relentless, which implies that the progressions made in the “running-config” while the Router is pursuing are not held a reboot. You can back up, or spare, “running-config” record to either NVRAM or a TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) server.

The following command shows the current running configuration

Snabay-network# show running-config

Building configuration…


Current configuration: 1072 bytes


! Last configuration change at 13:19:49 UTC Tue Jul 21, 2019

version 15.1


hostname Snabay-network


interface FastEthernet0/0

IP address

duplex auto

speed auto


interface FastEthernet0/1

IP address

duplex auto

speed auto

Snabay-network# copy running-config startup-config

Why Is Startup Config Not Present

The above command is used to save the running configuration into NVRAM (Non-volatile random access memory)


Startup Config Is Not Present

The startup-config is the design that is stacked when the Router boots or powers up. startup design is put away in the nonvolatile memory of a gadget, which implies that all setup changes are spared regardless of whether the gadget loses control. To duplicate your running arrangement into the startup setup you have to type the order copy startup-config running-config.

Snabay network # show startup-config

This will show the startup-configuration of the router

To show the present running arrangement, enter the show running-config direction. Enter the duplicate running-config startup-config order to spare the present running design to the startup setup document in NVRAM. To show the startup arrangement, enter the show startup-config order

Non-Volatile RAM: This is extra memory for putting away the reinforcement or startup variant of the working framework being utilized. The Router will boot from this memory and burden every one of its projects from here.

RAM: When the Router begins up, the working framework is stacked into RAM. When the Router wraps beginning up, it starts to ascertain its own courses and, whenever designed to do as such, takes in system courses from different Routers by means of RIP (v1 and v2), OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS or BGP. Smash is additionally utilized for reserving ARP tables, directing tables, steering measurements and other information that can accelerate the way toward sending of bundles.

Also, read…

Download Router Configuration Files, Startup-Config, Running-Config, Start-Up in pdf- Click here Packet Tracer – Configure Initial Router Settings Answers

Packet Tracer – Configure Initial Router Settings (Answers Version)

Answers Note: Red font color or gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Answers copy only.



Part 1: Verify the Default Router Configuration

Part 2: Configure and Verify the Initial Router Configuration

Part 3: Save the Running Configuration File


In this activity, you will perform basic router configurations. You will secure access to the CLI and console port using encrypted passwords. You will also configure messages for users logging into the router. These banners will warn unauthorized users that access is prohibited. Finally, you will verify and save your running configuration.

Part 1: Verify the Default Router Configuration

Step 1: Establish a console connection to R1.

  1. Choose the blue Console cable from the available connections.
  2. Click PCA and select RS 232.
  3. Drag the cable, click R1 and select Console.
  4. Click PCA > Desktop tab > Terminal.
  5. Click OK and press ENTER. You are now able to configure R1.

Step 2: Enter privileged mode and examine the current configuration.

You can access all the router commands from privileged EXEC mode. However, because many of the privileged commands configure system parameters, privileged access should be password-protected to prevent unauthorized use.

  1. Enter privileged EXEC mode by entering the enable command.
    Router> enable
    Notice that the prompt changed in the configuration to reflect privileged EXEC mode.
  2. Enter the show running-config command:
    Router# show running-config
  3. Answer the following questions:
    What is the router’s hostname? __________________________Router
    How many Fast Ethernet interfaces does the Router have?________4
    How many Gigabit Ethernet interfaces does the Router have?______2
    How many Serial interfaces does the router have? ______________2
    What is the range of values shown for the vty lines? _____________0 – 4
  4. Display the current contents of NVRAM.
    Router# show startup-config
    startup-config is not present

    Why does the router respond with the startup-config is not present message?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    It displays this message because the configuration file was not saved to NVRAM. Currently it is only located in RAM.

Part 2: Configure and Verify the Initial Router Configuration

To configure parameters on a router, you may be required to move between various configuration modes. Notice how the prompt changes as you navigate through the router.

Step 1: Configure the initial settings on R1.

Note: If you have difficulty remembering the commands, refer to the content for this topic. The commands are the same as you configured on a switch.

  1. Configure R1 as the hostname.
  2. Configure letmein as the console password and enable login.
  3. Configure itsasecret as the encrypted privileged EXEC password.
  4. Encrypt all plain text passwords.
  5. Configure a message of the day banner that warns against unauthorized access. A sample banner can be Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited.

Step 2: Verify the initial settings on R1.

  1. Verify the initial settings by viewing the configuration for R1. What command do you use?____________________________________________________________________________________
    show running-config
  2. Exit the current console session until you see the following message:
    R1 con0 is now available
    Press RETURN to get started.
  3. Press ENTER; you should see the following message:
    Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited.
    User Access Verification
    Why should every router have a message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Every router should have a banner to warn unauthorized users that access is prohibited but can also be used for sending messages to network personnel/technicians (such as impending system shutdowns or who to contact for access).
    If you are not prompted for a password, what console line command did you forget to configure?____________________________________________________________________________________
    R1(config-line)# login
  4. Enter the passwords necessary to return to privileged EXEC mode.
    If you configure any more passwords on the router, are they displayed in the configuration file as plain text or in encrypted form? Explain.
    The service password-encryption command encrypts all current and future passwords.

Part 3: Save the Running Configuration File

Step 1: Save the configuration file to NVRAM.

  1. You have configured the initial settings for R1. Now back up the running configuration file to NVRAM to ensure that the changes made are not lost if the system is rebooted or loses power.
    What command did you enter to save the configuration to NVRAM?____________________________________________________________________________________
    copy running-config startup-config
    What is the shortest, unambiguous version of this command?____________________________________________________________________________________
    copy r s
    Which command displays the contents of the NVRAM?____________________________________________________________________________________
    show startup-configuration or show start
  2. Verify that all of the parameters configured are recorded. If not, analyze the output and determine which commands were not done or were entered incorrectly. You can also click Check Results in the instruction window.

Step 2: Optional bonus: Save the startup configuration file to flash.

Although you will be learning more about managing the flash storage in a router in later chapters, you may be interested to know now that —, as an added backup procedure —, you can save your startup configuration file to flash. By default, the router still loads the startup configuration from NVRAM, but if NVRAM becomes corrupt, you can restore the startup configuration by copying it over from flash.

Complete the following steps to save the startup configuration to flash.

  1. Examine the contents of flash using the show flash command:
    R1# show flash
    How many files are currently stored in flash? 3
    Which of these files would you guess is the IOS image?____________________________________________________________________________________
    Why do you think this file is the IOS image?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Answers may vary, but two clues are the file length compared to the others and the .bin at the end of the file name
  2. Save the startup configuration file to flash using the following commands:
    R1# copy startup-config flash
    Destination filename [startup-config]

    The router prompts to store the file in flash using the name in brackets. If the answer is yes, then press ENTER; if not, type an appropriate name and press ENTER.
  3. Use the show flash command to verify the startup configuration file is now stored in flash.

Run Command For Startup Config

Suggested Scoring Rubric

Activity SectionQuestion LocationPossible PointsEarned Points
Part 1: Verify the Default Router ConfigurationStep 2c5
Step 2d2
Part 1 Total7
Part 2: Configure and Verify the Initial Router ConfigurationStep 2a2
Step 2c4
Step 2d2
Part 2 Total8
Part 3: Save the Running Configuration FileStep 1a6
Step 2a (bonus)4
Part 3 Total10
Packet Tracer Score75
Total Score (with bonus)100



configure terminal

hostname R1

line con 0

password letmein

Config Sys Startup Windows 10


Cisco 3750 Startup-config Is Not Present

enable secret itsasecret

service password-encryption

banner motd $Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited.$


copy running-config startup-config