Dino D Day Mods

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Nov 12, 2009. When we started working on Dino D-Day almost five years ago we were totally new to the world of game development (almost all of us came from television). Making the mod and then the commercial title was an incredible challenge for us and we certainly made our share of mistakes along the way.

We Want You…to Fight Nazi Dinosaurs

Ancient beasts walk the earth once again, forged into terrifying weapons by none other than Adolf Hitler. Grab your weapon and prepare for the assault...it's Dino D-Day!



Dino D-Day v 2.4 update is live!

You may notice a smoother Dino D-Daying experience due to lots of fixes: achievements, holes in maps, medic glows, stability issues, weapon nerfs…just to name a few. Complete Patch notes can be found below. What’s new? Two new maps are ready to field the battle: Airstrip: A desperate fight has broken out to […]

Read More » April 7, 2016 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

Upcoming Dino D-Day Update!

It’s been a long time coming, but we are ready to share some details about the Dino D-Day update we have in the works. Firstly, we’ve steadily collected bug reports and have knocked them out one by one like Hardgrave freedompunching raptors. The bugged achievements, holes in maps, medic glows, stability issues, weapon nerfs…and […]

Read More » January 22, 2016 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

Dino D-Day Comic News

A nice article about the Dino D-Day comic on Comic Book Resources! Read it here

Read More » January 30, 2015 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

Free Weekend on Steam! New Dino D-Day Comic Debut!

That’s right, Dino D-Day is free to play all weekend and available to purchase for 90% off! In related news, this weekend also brings us issue #1 of the brand new Dino D-Day digital comic. Let’s face it, if you are already a big enough nerd to enjoy a video game about dinosaurs in […]

Read More » January 29, 2015 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

Jurrasic-Sized Update and DLC Released!

The Jurassic-Sized Update The long awaited graphical update to Dino D-Day fixes some issues that our community has noticed, bugs that were hampering gameplay, brings an entirely new version of the Source engine (Portal 2) to the game, and also brings a huge facelift to characters, animations, environments, weapons, and props. You’ll see some […]

Read More » November 26, 2014 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

The Open Beta for the Dino D-Day Jurassic-Sized Update and Last Stand DLC is now…well, open!

First off, Dino D-Day now has an Open Beta where players who want to check out our upcoming free overhaul of the game, can do so. No sign up, no obligation, no credit checks! The update is called “Jurassic-Sized” because it is the biggest update we’ve ever put out, and like a Jurassic sauropod, it […]

Read More » September 29, 2014 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

Lights, Camera, Archosaur!

Source Filmmaker’s new DLC will make Dino D-Day’s dinosaurs, characters, and props available for your storytelling endeavors. Ever needed to film a T.Rex with machine guns bolted to its noggin, or a giant Certatopsid with an 88mm tank turret on its back? Who hasn’t. Non-weaponized dinosaurs are in the DLC as well, ready to populate […]

Read More » September 4, 2014 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

Dino D-Day Update and DLC News

While we are not yet ready to release the update, we know many of you are curious about what we’ve been working on. Beta testing is underway with our initial group of testers, and we have many more who have expressed an interest in testing. We will be adding more players soon; we want to […]

Read More » August 28, 2014 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

Hardgrave’s Favorite Holiday

Dino D-day Mods

Wishing you a Happy July 4th, whether it means a celebration of Independence or just TGIF!

Read More » July 4, 2014 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

Update, DLC, Screenshots and More!

Jurassic-Sized Update! That’s right, an update that can only be described as “Jurassic” in that it has taken us approximately 55 million years to complete. But in that 55 million years, incredible change has taken place! Layer after layer, like sediment compacting into mudstone on the floor of a vast alluvial plain 170 million […]

Read More » June 26, 2014 Category: Uncategorized Comments: none

So what do you get when you combine World War 2 with dinosaurs? Well…some weird fucking stuff that would have changed the world we live in today, with dinosaurs and humans living alongside happily ever after…or this game.

So the idea is: Nazi Deutschland succeeded in creating dinosaurs, which they bred for war.

Dino D Day Mods

Now the first glimpse of this game was actually on moddb, where it was a mod for Half Life 2. From the looks of it, it was supposed to be a single player game, where you had to fight of the dinosaurs and their German owners. They even released a small demo on the site. If you want to check it out, here’s the link:

Now when I played it waaaaaay back in 2009 , I was a hl2 mod junky, so no mod went unnoticed, and I remember being REALLY impressed with the demo. It looked like it had so much potential. Combining World War 2 (a time period I am also interested in) and dinosaurs in a somewhat believable way was like someone had read my FUCKING mind. Just play the demo, and you can understand that it had a lot of potential.

So I was hyped, and excited and boy, this was going to be super awesome….and then nothing happened…so I became sad…and pissed…and ANGRY…and then I was like ‘meh’, and I continued my life, leaving the world of hl2 mods.

And then, after 2 years, I saw something on Steam: Dino D-Day! “How did these buggers manage to create a game worthy of a price tag?” I wondered. I didn’t knew how fast I could click the storepage, all this waiting was soon to be rewarded with a cool, new single player dinosaur game! But I was deceived.

Turned out they had done a complete overhaul on this game, and they turned it into a multiplayer only, class based team deathmatch extravaganza…ad it didn’t look even remotely polished… Again, I was angry! How could they’ve done this to me? To the original concept? To every dinosaur fan in the universe?! I would not stand for it! They would never get my money! I will not support such foul infringement on the beauty and wonders of prehistoric animals, and the soldiers of World War 2 alike! They shall feel my part of an empty weight of no virtual money transaction through a game and media based webstore!!

Then in 2014 I saw the game was less than 1 Euro, and I bought it.

And I have to say: It is worth every 55 cents I have paid for it. This game is an clunky, unpolished, unbalanced mess, disregarding the source material they created themselves, back in 2009, but it is FUN. And you can’t be mad at a game that is 55 cents. It makes me laugh out loud, because of the stupidity.

Just check out this gameplay footage I shot while playing, and you should get the goofiness of the game.

So you have two factions: Germans and Americans. Americans mostly have standard multiplayer classes, like the soldier, sniper, cqc fellow, and whatnot (and one dino class with a machine gun). Germans on the other hand have a smaller array of human classes, but a shitload of dinosaur classes. And I have got to say: the amount of detail in some of these are awesome! The way the guns are mounted on some of them are quite believable (although I don’t know how these guys can fire these guns on their own?!), and they look really awesome! Also the compsognathus are the funniest thing ever! With a hand grenade strapped on their back, the only purpose of these guys is to blow the FUCK out of someone!

And looking at the gif above, I also have to say that the animation of this bugger is smooth like butter. It looks like they have put work in some things at least.

So it’s retarded and silly, but also a kick in the nuts. I have waited for this game, only in singleplayer, with a more serious tone, but instead we get this slapstick, kick in the dick experience. We get silly voice acting, with bad puns, we get random goats to slap about, we get a suicide compy, but nothing really good.

We get clunky controls for the dinosaurs, we get humans, who play way better and are in my opinion kinda overpowered. In the gameplay video you can see how awful I played, but I still managed to get kills with the human classes. It’s understandable, given the fact that fps gameplay is easier to put in a game, and is a safe territory for every gamer, but it shouldn’t be the case that the dinosaurs have a worse fighting chance. Also, it shouldn’t be possible to win a match within 2 minutes…

So it’s a laughing matter, but also a bullet through my dinosaur loving heart. At least the developers aren’t giving up on their game (unlike The Stomping Land, AHUM) and they even added a dlc to the store page. It’s a gamemode, where you are fighting against waves of German soldiers and dinosaurs, with objectives as well. I does cost money (sigh), but at the end you get to fight against the RED BARON, a large, blood red raptor, armed with cannons. Now that is AWESOME!!

So at least they try to make this game worthwhile, but it’s just so sad to see a potential awesome, and amazing singleplayer title shift to a poorly executed multiplayer game. We have enough of those. Primal Carnage has even perfected this human vs dino game experience.

So maybe it is time to make the ultimate overhaul. Go back to single player. Go back to the roots of this title. Make it the best alternate take on World War 2. You can beat Wolfenstein, because your universe has DINOSAURS. Just use the same engine, some of the dinosaurs, create new ones where needed, put a small price tag on it, and give us the singleplayer dinosaur shooter we have been waiting for since 2009! Clean the mess up Dino D-Day has made, and give us Dino D-Day: Dawn of a New Era (or something like that)!

THIS IS NOT MY FINAL REVIEW! I HAVE LOOKED AT IT A SECOND TIME, AND THE REAL VERDICT CAN BE FOUND HERE:https://agentclever.wordpress.com/2015/01/14/dino-d-day-an-apology/