Install Airflow On Windows

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Airflow problem. Open source software grows at an overwhelming pace; Airflow is built to integrate with all databases, system, cloud environments, Managing and maintaining all of the dependencies changes will be really difficult. Takes lots of time to set up, and config Airflow env. Hello, I've been using Airflow in my couple of projects for a while. I have always used Linux for that. Recently I had to switch on Windows and couldn't install Airflow. So, is it possible to install airflow on Windows and if yes, does it make it's usage any different than in Linux.


The usual instructions for running Airflow do not apply on a Windows environment:

The Airflow utility is not available in the command line and I can’t find it elsewhere to be manually added.
How can Airflow run on Windows?


You can activate bash in windows and follow the tutorial as is.
I was able to get up and running successfully following above.

Apache Airflow On Windows


Once you are done installing, edit airflow.cfg to point all your configurations to somewhere in your windows system rather than lxss (ubuntu) since there are bugs around ubuntu not showing files written by windows system.


Instead of installing Airflow via pip, download the zip on the Airflow project’s GitHub, unzip it and in its folder, run python install on the command line. ERROR - 'module' object has no attribute 'SIGALRM' errors will happen, but so far this had no impact on Airflow’s functions.

Using this method, the airflow util will not be available as a command.
As a workaround, use the [current folder]buildscripts-2.7airflow file, which is the python script for the airflow util.

Install Airflow On Windows

Another solution is to append to the System PATH variable a link to a batch file that runs airflow (airflow.bat):

From this point, the tutorial may be followed normally:

Install Airflow On Windows 10

I have not tested how well or if Airflow’s DAGs run on Windows.


Install Airflow On Windows 10 Steps

Unfortunately, the answer to this seems to be “No” as of Dec 2015 – see This is because of the move to gunicorn. gunicorn may get windows support in R18.

Installing Airflow On Windows 10

Tags: windows